These days, it goes without saying that the kids have never needed to go outside more, so for a few weeks I’m sharing content from the Girl’s Guide to the Wild and its sister book, My Nature Journal and Activity Book as a way of helping us gear up for the warmer weather.
When I wrote the Girl’s Guide to the Wild, I wanted to include examples of outdoor women that related to each of the chapters. These brief biographies proved to be some of my favorite parts of the book.
"Mary Anning- Fossil Finder
Mary Anning was a pioneer of paleontology (the study of fossils), even though she grew up in a poor family in the south of England, never traveled the world, and wasn’t allowed into the Geological Society of London because she was a girl. Mary’s knowledge of fossils grew from her near-daily walks along the sea cliff near her home. She found the first prehistoric fossils in the early 1800s, and scientists from around the world came to see her collection and learn from her. Her fossil collection became so famous that she became the inspiration for the tongue twister, 'She sells sea shells by the sea shore." - A Girl’s Guide to the Wild
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